We exist to provide guided access to the best health and wellness options that work best for you.


My Story


Just like many practitioners in the wellness space, my journey to this point started with trying to solve a problem: why am I dealing with this chronic pain? As a child, I was quite emotional but didn’t have a safe space to process the pain I experienced. So I did what most boys do: sucked it up, stopped crying, and pretended nothing ever bothered me. Fast forward to present day, being a functioning adult who never healed from the emotional trauma. That emotional baggage began to manifest in my body until I decided to seek help.

I’d been suffering from severe and chronic neck pain. I typically blamed it on my military service, believing it would just go away. It never did. This pain stayed with me for what seemed like years.

My doctor was convinced that I’d struggle with the pain for the rest of my life and prescribed medication. Frustrated with that solution, I began researching alternative methods of healing. I was desperate to try anything that wasn’t opioids or surgery.

At the recommendation of a friend, I visited a sound-healing practitioner, Ritch. His treatment uncovered buried emotional trauma I’ve carried since childhood. I discovered my body was telling me something my mind refused to accept: I’ve been carrying emotional wounds for too long.

Shortly after my session my body began to let go of what I had held onto for so many years. I cried for 3 hours.

Through Ritch’s help I began letting it go of it all, but it took many sessions of learning to love and accept myself.

On a road trip, my wife and I talked through what it would feel like to have people in our lives that fully supported our mental, physical, and emotional needs. I thought of my father who is a diabetic and suffered through a leg amputation. What if he had a community of experienced wellness professionals who cared for him, body, mind, and spirit? This question began my journey as an entrepreneur, and here we are 5 years later with Wellness District.

Wellness District serves not only as an extensive knowledge base on the very best options, but also as a personal guide.

We exist to provide guided access to the best health and wellness options in Los Angeles that are proven effective and focus on the whole person. 

We believe that wellness is a balance between the body, mind, and soul. We’re changing the way we approach wellness by promoting healing as a guided journey within community. So far, we are discovering something truly remarkable, that we are much more connected than we realize.


So far, we are discovering something truly remarkable, that we are much more connected than we realize.
